Champagne Supernova

I always love learning about space travel, the formation of stars, planets and the universe – as a kid I’d always spend hours pouring over an “artist’s impression” of a wormhole, space colony or black hole in all the science & space books I had – these days the glut of information about all this is overwhelming, but accessible and everywhere.

Popular science documentary series like the updated Cosmos and Brian Cox’s Human Universe dealing with the macro side of things, down to others focussing on the micro side of science, string theory and particle physics like the Secret Life of Chaos are what really float my boat, alongside films like Sunshine, Gravity and the like.

I’ve got no background whatsoever in science – I enjoyed and was ok at maths, decent at physics and good at biology in school, but the amount and level of maths involved to study theoretical or cosmic physics meant I wasn’t keen enough to go down that route – artist’s impressions are something a lot more interesting as far as I’m concerned. This is a proof of concept more than anything, just to see how making a galaxy/supernova/ black hole could work done entirely in After Effects. No science fact here at all – there shouldn’t be any noise, nor should there be 2 explosive shockwaves and it could probably do with a little less movement on the camera to give that impression of scale – but otherwise, I think it turned out ok.

I’m keen to get involved in doing more work like this for broadcast & education, if you’re interested in working with me on something worthwhile, then get in touch…

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